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Tegucigalpa is the capital of Honduras, Central America, and is located in a mountain basin at 3250 feet. The city airport, Toncontin International Airport (MHTG)is famous for its spectacular aircraft operations due to the surrounding terrain and short runway.

Toncontin has a single 6100 ft long runway with runway 02 having 5400 ft available for landing. The airport has VOR/DME approaches for runway 02/20 with a Minimum Descent Altitude of more than 2000 ft above airport elevation. One of the largest aircraft serving the airport is the
Boeing 757.
Toncontin is combined civil and military airport. The entire area east of the runway is reserved the military and hence the airspace is prohibited UNL-GND.


Toncontín International Airport is more commonly known as Tegucigalpa airport. Tegucigalpa is actually a misnomer in the essence that the airport is actually located in Tegucigalpa’s sister city, Comayaguela. The runway at TGU is only 6,132 ft (1869 m) long. The airport was built on a plateau in the city. Tegucigalpa itself is situated in a basin between several tall mountains. This unique location allows for some spectacular approaches and interesting landings.

airport chart, spanish only: